Unlike many countries, in America the working class woman is normal and in some ways admired. Because of our freedom, woman are now equal to men, in that it is acceptable for both men and woman to have a career and be successful. Many notions were taken in our nations history in order to secure equal rights between men and women, and in the end they were successful. In this particular image, this idea of the greatly admired working class woman is greatly portrayed. For example, the fact that she is rolling up her sleeves signifies that she is prepared to work hard for her money. Also, the way in which her scarf is tied in a knot on top of her head was a common trend decades ago, when women were cleaning or doing dirty work. In addition to these, her clenched fist signifies her strength, both physically and emotionally, allowing others to view her as equal to men. The combination of these three details in the image gives the viewer a clear understanding of the hard work and determination that women had in our countries history. This is unique to American culture, because in many places, it was unacceptable for women to have jobs. Because so many movements and notions went into giving men and women equal rights, the working class woman is still an important icon in America's culture today.
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